Wednesday, March 31, 2010
We wanted to begin with a few more thoughts from Tuesday evening, March 30 from the ship.
The ship continued to sail in calm seas with very nice weather. We have been so very fortunate to have great weather and seas throughout this journey. We realize that the final two legs of the World Cruise will bring some cooler weather as we sail in Europe and that we will likely had some moments of potentially rough seas.
Before the Passover Seder, award winning musical impressionist Greg London performed in a another location on the ship, and he sang a wife range of songs for us. This included songs from various West End Plays and many other POP songs primarily from the 1960’s through the 1980’s. He has a terrific voice and impersonate many well-known performers of today and yesteryear. He was truly outstanding and we look forward to another performance he will give before this leg of the World Cruise comes to a conclusion.
Throughout our journey we have discussed and spoken about a sense of community and family feeling that we share on a voyage of this length with both the crew and with our fellow passengers and the Passover Seder was yet another opportunity for many of us to share a festive holiday with one another. As part of the community spirit, a nice welcome talk was given by both Cruise Director Rick Spath and by Captain Glenn. In addition to the Rabbi and his lovely wife, the Catholic Father along with the Pastor and his lovely wife were also present at the Seder along with approximately one hundred other guests.
The Prego restaurant was a perfect room for the Seder with the tables all set elegantly with white tablecloths along with china, glassware and silverware. The tables were mainly set as four or six person tables. We sat with friends Bob and Glo. The Rabbi did an outstanding job leading the service.
We each followed along with the Haggadah (the Jewish Seder Prayer Book) and we also participated in the Seder.
Each table had a platter with the symbolic foods that are are part of the Seder which we enjoyed before the many courses of the outstanding meal were served. The meal included Gefilte Fish on lettuce with Horseradish, Chicken Broth with Matzo Balls, Roasted Kosher Chicken accompanies by Carrot Tzimmes, Steamed Asparagus, Over Roasted Potatoes and Natural Gravy, Raspberry Sherbet with Fresh Strawberries Served with Coconut Hazelnut Macaroons and Passover Wines, along with coffee, tea and other beverages. All of the Prego wait staff was on hand along with several members from the Main Dining Room.
This was a very special evening, which took on additional meaning as the ship was sailing from Egypt to Israel.
Wednesday, March 31st was a very special day for us. We woke up very early on Wednesday morning March 31. We had our breakfast delivered to our room at 4:30 AM. Yes, 4:30 AM. We did not workout in the morning and took the day off from our daily visit to the Fitness Center.
We attended a mandatory Israeli Immigration Inspection at 6:30 AM where with our Passports in hand along with a special immigration card we met with one of the immigration officers from Israel who came on board the ship for the inspection. As part of the immigration inspection our cards were each stamped. Israel understands that some countries will not allow passenger’s to visit their country if a passport is stamped showing entry into Israel thus they use the landing cards. It is a shame that even though we live in the twenty-first century that there are still other countries that do not recognized Israel and continue to denounce its legitimacy and its people.
We last visited Israel on the Crystal Serenity in March of 2007 on Palm Sunday.
Once again, we arrived at the port of Ashdod, Israel, which is one of two major ports that serve Israel. Ashdod is Israel’s major industrial and commercial port. Just thirty miles to the port of Ashdad is Tel Aviv, which adjoins with the port of Jaffa. From there another forty miles to the north is the ancient city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is considered as a very sacred city for various religious groups.
Our day in Israel was outstanding and included a shore excursion, which was followed by a special World Cruise evening event.
Our tour began at approximately 7:15 AM. We took the tour called Jerusalem and Bethlehem. As part of the tour we first traveled to Jerusalem. The drive from Ashdod over to Jerusalem is a very pretty drive. The drive includes beautiful scenery including passing by many landscaped areas that have been made beautiful over the years. For many years many of us from around the world have made donations in the memory of friends and family members and others in the community which supported the planting of trees throughout many areas of Israel which have created forests throughout Israel creating a beautiful landscape through many parts of the country.
The number of trees that they have planted all around Israel is truly amazing.
On our way we enjoyed views of the city from atop the Mount of Olives. We continued on and arrived to the Church of all Nations also called the basilica of agony. The church was built between 1919 and 1924 and includes a domed roof, thick pillars and floor mosaics all of which give the building at Byzantine flair. We also visited the Garden of Gethsemane where there is a section of stone enshrined by the Catholic Church where it is believed that Jesus prayed on the night of his arrest.
After our visit we were transferred by motor coach into Jerusalem where we enjoyed a nice lunch. After lunch we began our guided walk of Jerusalem’s Old City. We walked by the bazaar and along the famed via Dolorosa. We also visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher at Golgotha, viewed the golden Dome of the Rock and we visited the Western (formerly called the Wailing) Wall.
The Western Wall was very crowded since this is Passover Week and many people are off this week and came to pray at the wall.
We then traveled to Bethlehem, the birthplace, of both Jesus and David and where David was crowned King of Israel. We visited one of the oldest continuously operating churches in the world, the Church of Nativity. We also visited the Grotto of the Nativity.
We had an amazing day and thoroughly enjoyed this tour. As we had the World Cruise Event this evening we had been placed on a special bus and they took us over to an area Hotel to freshen up and then took us on another bus to this evenings event.
This was the second and final Shore Side Event.
This was one of the best and we do mean one of the best events that we have ever been to.
As part of this event we were taken to the Bell Caves of Beit-Guvrin-Maresha-National Park. The ancient Bell Caves provided the indoor venue for the evening’s event. The ancient city of Beit Guvrin existed between the late-Hellenistic period and the late-Byzantine period. The ruins are located within the Beit-Guvrin-Maresha National Park.
We were also treated to a unique performance, which included live music, dancers and singing Opera Singer David D’or. We enjoyed all sorts of canapés and refreshments while a special story capturing the essence of ancient Israel was told.
When we first got off the bus we walked a few minutes on a winding path with beautiful landscape on both side. We eventually arrived to a large cave where there were tables and seats and where we enjoyed wine and beer and other beverages and some nice canapés. We wee also entertained with some music and singing.
Then we were escorted into another area of the cave and as we entered there were very long tables with beautiful flower and candles that were lit and the tables were so very beautiful. We then were presented with a wonderful meal of various canapés and other items and also served wine, beer and other beverages. This venue was one of the most beautiful venues we have ever seen. The cave was lit up and the entertainment was superb. There was a band and several singers. It was superb and was truly Crystal as it was outstanding.
This was a very special World Cruise event, which capped off a memorable day that we will remember for the rest of our lives. Any visit to Israel is very special but even more significant given that we had the opportunity to be here over Passover and just a few days before Easter.
When we returned to the ship an Après Buffet awaited us and it was set up in the Crystal Cove.
We had a remarkable day.
“Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be one.”
Keith and Anne Marie
1 comment:
This must have been one of the most memorable days of all of the many you've enjoyed sailing aboard Crystal. It was exhilarating to read your story.
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