Thursday, April 1, 2010
Today we are at the Port of Pluto. We had to travel a very long distance from Israel in order to arrive to Pluto on schedule and we will tell you that this was quite challenging. Once we arrived it was very dark and it was so very cold. Now, our challenge is how do we get all the way back to the Mediterranean. Where is Scotty when we need him? Scotty, as in “Beam me up Scotty.”
Are you following all of this? After all today is April Fools Day. J
OK. Let’s get back to our World Cruise Adventure.
Yesterday’s tour of Israel was truly amazing. This was our second time to visit Israel and we look forward to visiting there again. For those of you who have not yet had the opportunity to visit this glorious country we highly recommend it. There is so much to do and to see and the traditions, the warmth of the people and all of the historical history and religious sites are truly remarkable.
Our tour was terrific. We had one of the best tour guides we have ever had. He was very knowledgeable and provided so much valuable information to us for each site that we visited and about the layout and history of Israel and its major cities.
Our tour guide was with us for the entire tour except for the portion that involved Bethlehem, as those who live in Israel and are Israeli’s are no longer allowed to go into this area. So, a person who lives in Bethlehem conducted that portion of the tour.
We thoroughly enjoyed each of the sites that we visited and we learned a great deal on this tour.
The people of Israel have really done a tremendous job to advance this country in the manner they have. To put this into perspective we must remember that the State of Israel is only sixty-two years young and it is vibrant. The economy continues to grow stronger by the month. The major drivers are to the economy are diamonds (they purchase them and then they cut and polish them), tourism, agriculture, and hi-tech industries along with a couple of other key areas. Each of these areas is truly a key component of their economy and they work hard to grow each of these areas.
In terms of agriculture it is truly amazing to see all that has been accomplished. For example, a very small percentage of the trees in place are natural to the Israel as most of them have been planted. And we are talking about countless millions of trees. Yet, when you see what they have done one would think that these are natural forests and that the land was fertile from the get go. Most of the land is rock. What these people have done in a very short period of time and given the other challenges is truly remarkable.
While yesterday was a very long day it was a remarkable day. Words can’t describe the feelings that each of us on the tour felt as we saw first hand these historical sites. While we have seen the Western Wall and many of the areas of Old Jerusalem on a prior visit, it is still amazing to visit these sites again and the on top of this we had the opportunity to visit those other areas that we had never visited before.
While the Western Wall was very crowded since this we were here over Passover, we still made it up to the wall and left some handwritten messages to those family members who are no longer with us. It is a very emotional experience.
There is no question that it was very special to be in Israel during this time of the year. It was an extraordinary time because of it being during Passover. On top of this with Good Friday just around the corner followed by Easter Sunday many visitors were already there as part of these holidays. In fact, we were told that there would be 150,000 people at the Church of Nativity on Good Friday and that there would be numerous visitors at Manger Square for the washing of the feet ceremony. While the Church of Nativity was fairly busy we were told it was far less crowded than normal as many were waiting to visit it this coming Friday.
As part of yesterday’s tour we had lunch at a very nice hotel. The lunch was done very well.
Words cannot adequately express how truly amazing last evening’s World Cruise Shore Side Event was. Yes, we were “wowed.” It was by fare one of the best events we have ever attended.
Crystal Cruises started the planning of this event began approximately twenty-two months ago and it amazes us how they transformed the caves into such as beautiful venue for all of us to enjoy. After freshening up at the Hotel we were taken in buses from the hotel on about a 75-minute drive to these calves. Those World Cruisers not on tour or who had gotten back from tour were driven by bus on a 45 minutes drive over to the caves.
After we got off the bus, some of the officers such as the Cruise Director and the Captain and a few other members of the Crystal team greeted us. We could walk on one of two scenic pathways over to the entrance of the cave and there were candles along both sides of the pathway. While it was not dark when we arrived to this venue the candles kept the paths lit when we returned to the buses as this was after sundown.
Upon entering the cave the first portion of the event was held in one large side of the cave with the other area draped off. There were various six person tables all around. We sat with friends Bob and Glo and John and Linda who were with us on the same tour and where we could enjoy some canapés that were served to us by an extensive local wait staff team and where we could enjoy wine, beer, water, or other beverages. We enjoyed a few different types of canapés, which featured local cuisine and listened to some fantastic entertainment. The atmosphere was wonderful and hard to describe. Cruise Director Rick Spath welcomed us along with Captain Glenn and Captain Glenn gave a wonderful toast in celebration of this event.
Little did we know that all of this was a prelude to what was going to come. If this meal was a meal this was the appetizer and what was to await us was the most magnificent entrée one could think of. Or think of this as one song and what was going to await us was the entire opera.
At one point the drapes that draped off the other area were raised and we were motioned to go over to that area. The area was massive not only in its length and width but in the height of the cave. There were several long tables for us to seat at with table cloths and beautiful flowers and candles the height of which was hard to believe given the overall height of the cave. We sat with Bob and Glo and John and Linda at one of the tables and then many others sat at that table or one of the other ones. We were served wine or beer or other beverages and then over the entire time we were there many different items were served to us family style on large platters. There were so many items to choose from and we had a little of everything. These items featured some of the cuisine of Israel. All of these items were delicious. There was lots of entertainment throughout the event and the cave was lit in various colors. There was a beautiful stage where the entertainers performed from which included dancing, singing and live music. We were wowed the entire evening.
It was amazing to have this event in caves that are over 2,000 years old.
When it was time to leave we walked back to the bus on a different pathway and then proceeded back to the Cruise Ship terminal.
On our way from the evening venue back to the ship a few of us spoke with the escort from the tour operator about how she sees the current situation with the United States about the settlements as well as about the situation in Iran and it was very nice to get her perspective on all of this. After all, this is all part of the enrichment associated with travel.
As if we did not have enough food when we returned to the ship many from the staff were in the Crystal Cove (main lobby area) to greet us with face towels and flutes of Champagne and a wonderful buffet featuring an excellent selection of food items. While the food looked great we had already eaten enough at the World Cruise event so we stopped by to briefly speak with the Main Dining Room Maitre d’, the Cruise Director and our very own Senior Waiter and Waiter.
While we were a little tired having been up starting around 3:00 AM that morning and it was already past 11:00 PM our adrenalin was strong, as we knew that this was a day that will remain with us for the rest of our living days. We thank Crystal Cruises for providing us with this outstanding experience.
This morning Keith slept in until 5: 15 am ( J ) and then was back up to the Fitness Center for his daily morning workout. Anne Marie took the morning off and slept until 7:30 AM. Keith brought back coffee for the two of us.
There were lots of activities this morning and in the afternoon. A few we wanted to highlight were the Rap with the Rabbi, and lectures given by Professor Jean-Pierre Isbouts about Athens and by Ambassador Marc Ginsberg on Obama and how he is addressing the Muslim World.
We called in for the Daily Morning Show and it was partially a spoof on April Fools. Stacey the World Cruise Hostess had asked a few of us to call into the show about a variety of funny items as part of an April Fools joke for Cruise Director Rick Spath. So, Keith called into the show to turn the tables on Rick and to ask him a Sports Trivia question. Others called into the show to schedule hair salon appointments and to order room service. It was all a lot of fun.
During Captain Glenn’s morning talk from the bridge he noted that we were on schedule to arrive to Athens, Greece tomorrow. The Captain’s thought of the day was “A mind once stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions.”
Anne Marie went to the salon today to have her hair styled and cut.
We also went to the American Classic Buffet for our lunch. While there are so many delectable items to choose from we each made a salad entrée for lunch.
This afternoon Keith played Paddle Tennis and spoke with some fellow passengers and Anne Marie walked and did other errands around the ship.
This evening is a formal night so we will attend the Captain’s Formal Farewell Reception. We will be dining at Silk Road with Raphael Derkson who leads The Galaxy Orchestra. We will post more on that tomorrow.
“Dreams are like stars….you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”
Keith and Anne Marie